Wednesday, January 2, 2013


It's officially the holiday season! It is usually a lot of your time, which means that Thanksgiving is coming up next week and, in particular, will be spent shopping in the store. However, while Checkout Line, or sales gallon ice cream candy that you understand that is part of the half, and what you want to buy it, what about the item, is reminiscent of waiting. Mainly, buying impulse behind it is a very effective strategy.But there is likely to be victims of a healthy diet impulse buy.
9, 10 shoppers buying impulse. This undesirable effect on unhealthy foods can affect our wallet. Impulse purchases more than 14,000 calories a year, women are more than four pounds worth the calories. Despite the low impulse buying men, they double the calorie intake of more than 28,000 women are.
Because it does not have to walk more calories and less money in this case, to the store, there are several ways to avoid impulse:
However, the use of cash, there is a more immediate impact. Those who pay in cash shoppers are using their card at least spend between 12-18%.
When it passes all the way through the passage Shoppers at least, better impulse spending will increase 10%. Many items, many possibilities impulse buy more than you reference please. Make a shopping list before you go to the store while you are there to store items you only have to go into the corridor.
This is what you need, when you buy the item, take it, try to ask yourself: Do I really need this? If the item you are trying to buy on impulse, it will most of the time the answer is no. To it from time to time indulge Well, do it wisely. You also do not need you, or can afford, do not want to spend money on such economic times, you may want to consider whether you might want to purchase the item.

You have any other way to avoid impulse buying? Leave a comment in the box below and someone will save money and calories!

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